To help TripleClicks compete with our larger competitors you could wear TC branded T-shirts or caps and be willing to talk about TC to anyone who asks about your gear. Have leaflets ready to give with your TripleClicks gateway on it.
You could also give gift certificates to friends and family so they can browse and choose something for themselves.
A couple of days ago I gave my link to the jewellery dept to a family member with a birthday coming up. I asked her to choose something she likes and I will get it for her birthday. Hopefully she may see things she likes that she may like to give her friends and other family members. I intend to do this for all my family's birthdays and or Christmas.
I can browse TripleClicks and find items I think are really great Christmas gift ideas and promote them on my blog and Facebook page.
To help TripleClicks compete with our larger competitors you could wear TC branded T-shirts or caps and be willing to talk about TC to anyone who asks about your gear. Have leaflets ready to give with your TripleClicks gateway on it.
You could also give gift certificates to friends and family so they can browse and choose something for themselves.
A couple of days ago I gave my link to the jewellery dept to a family member with a birthday coming up. I asked her to choose ...more