With such a limited amount of time and money, you must be very careful about how you use them both. It takes me about a half hour to do my daily actions, which includes reading the Ask SC answers, but not play any games or participate in auctions. This leaves a half hour in which you can advertise, play games, participate in auctions, write in your blog or Facebook page and write to your team.
I suggest changing the way you spend that second half hour each day, so as to give you opportunity to do some of everything each week. For example, you could plan to write an article for your FB page every Monday, spend a half hour posting ads on Tuesday, send your team mailout every Wednesday, another half hour of posting ads on Thursday, and maybe picking an auction and participating in it on Friday. Perhaps you could spend a little more time on the weekend studying the rules of success and the internet marketing lessons, and or in time developing a website or blog.
Maybe you could also grab a few extra minutes at different times throughout the day. I enter the T-Time draw every hour by setting my phone alarm to go off every 2 hours. I start at 5:55, then 7:55, 9:55 etc. When it goes off at 5 minutes to the hour, I hit the snooze button which is set for 5 minutes. I enter the draw for that hour and in 5 minutes the alarm will go off again and then I enter the next draw. Sometimes I do some of my daily actions or read an Ask SC answer in the 5 minute interval. Doing this doesn't take long or intrude much into the day, but it ensures I am always in the T-Time draw, and this is a great source of TCredits for me. If you don't have time to play the games, you can still get your VP for the game entry, but not playing. I sometimes do this if I'm rushed, but it's not much fun!
Likewise you can enter a PB auction when you do your daily actions, but you must only make 1 bid and not be tempted to stay. This 1 bid will get you 2 VP.
Now for the $50. If I had $50 per month to invest, I'd vary it each month also. You can set up a standing order for $36.25 for 125 TCredits for one month, and use the remainder of the money either making a purchase from TripleClicks or buying advertising. On another month you could buy 2 units of SBuilder co-op. This will cost you $44.00, but only gain you 560VP. However this is a good way to begin to grow your team. Possibly you could do a combination of 100 TCredits for $29 and 1 unit of SBuilder. This will cost you $51. Standing Orders can be changed, so you could swap them around as you desired. These are my best suggestions for your $50.
I hope my ideas may be a help to you.
With such a limited amount of time and money, you must be very careful about how you use them both. It takes me about a half hour to do my daily actions, which includes reading the Ask SC answers, but not play any games or participate in auctions. This leaves a half hour in which you can advertise, play games, participate in auctions, write in your blog or Facebook page and write to your team.
I suggest changing the way you spend that second half hour each day, so as to give you opportunity