You have several advantages if your family supports your SFI/TC business:
1. The encouragement you will get from their approval will take you far when fighting the road blocks that you will come to when building a business such as this. As your family asks about the business or just listens to you as you tell them all about what you are learning and facing, and achieving, they will pick up on and add to your excitement and joy.
2. As your family sees you progress, some will want to help you with parts of it, and others will want to join your team. Your spouse and children living with you cannot join, but they can help you by:
A. Using the products from TC that you buy and buying their own products from TC..
B. Telling their friends about the products.
C. Helping with advertising from placing ads, passing out x-Cards, posting bulletins on
public boards.
D. Talking about it on social media.
E. Wearing SFI/TC advertising clothes.
F. Helping man a table at flea market, job fair, or public place.
If your family does not support your efforts at SFI/TC, then you will have a harder time of it. At the very least, they will just ignore your efforts, not give you any encouragement, and not even let you tell them about it. What will you do if they refuse to use any of the TC products. If their hearts are hardened, they will mock you and maybe even talk about you to what would be your warm market. You never know when someone will ask your spouse what they think about it.
At this point your house might become a war zone.Don't let this happen.
You must keep in mind the importance of your family whether you are a child in a family, the parent of a family, a partner with someone, or part of a big family clan. My church teaches that we rank in importance 1) God, 2) Family with our self as part of it, 3) business/work and everything else is less important.
So, while SFI is important, we should not belittle our families by ignoring them, giving them no time or attention. Be considerate of them, include them in as much as they will allow. Do not force them into a bad feeling for your work.
Where will you be if you make fistfuls of money but your family has abandoned you?
You have several advantages if your family supports your SFI/TC business:
1. The encouragement you will get from their approval will take you far when fighting the road blocks that you will come to when building a business such as this. As your family asks about the business or just listens to you as you tell them all about what you are learning and facing, and achieving, they will pick up on and add to your excitement and joy.
2. As your family sees you progress, some will