An Affiliate who has no Credit Card can have the following payment options for his/her standing order:
1. TripleClicks Payoneer master card. This card is being issued by SFI to an Affiliate whose commission already reached 20 Dollars, and can be the primary payment options for standing order, provided that it has appropriate available funds for the said standing order;
2. Paypal. As provided for by the SFI rules, Paypal is considered as another payment option. This could be done by applying or signing up an account with Paypal, wherein the Affiliate will provide his bank account details wherein the said payment will be charged;
3. Personal Check from US Bank/Money Order/Cashier's check is also an accepted method of of payment for a Standing Order. The said instrument should be made payable to TripleClicks;
4. TCurrency which can be purchased from a Local Pay Merchant accredited by SFI is also one of the accepted method of payment for a Standing order. This can be done by buying the corresponding amount of TCurrency which will be used in paying for the Standing Order;
An Affiliate who has no Credit Card can have the following payment options for his/her standing order:
1. TripleClicks Payoneer master card. This card is being issued by SFI to an Affiliate whose commission already reached 20 Dollars, and can be the primary payment options for standing order, provided that it has appropriate available funds for the said standing order;
2. Paypal. As provided for by the SFI rules, Paypal is considered as another payment option. This could be ...more