The best way to pay for things, if you are not able to use credit cards, is a Paypal accounts. I am not able to use credit cards since Triple Clicks does not accept credit cards from individuals in the Philippines. With my Paypal account I can purchase things on Triple Clicks, but also receive my commissions I earn from SFI.
If someone also has a bank account with a debit card with the logo Visa or Master Card they can also utilize it to make purchases on Triple Clicks.
There is also the Payoneer card that is offered through SFI. A person can receive their commissions, but things from Triple Clicks, and even withdraw their commissions in any bank machine.
The best way to pay for things, if you are not able to use credit cards, is a Paypal accounts. I am not able to use credit cards since Triple Clicks does not accept credit cards from individuals in the Philippines. With my Paypal account I can purchase things on Triple Clicks, but also receive my commissions I earn from SFI.
If someone also has a bank account with a debit card with the logo Visa or Master Card they can also utilize it to make purchases on Triple Clicks.