This is a very good idea.
We can market SFI at a job fair where many talented jobseekers come for interview and we can get many prospective PSAs who is really serious to earn money .
We can make some name cards of SFI and print SFI marketing gateways and give to the jobseekers who are looking for job. This can be consider as part time job.
From the comfort of their home or office or anywhere jobseekers can join in SFI and can perform daily actions. No need to be job from morning 9 to 6 job. They can do it from anywhere.
We can make some banners and hang out where jobseekers gather and we can explain them the benefit to join SFI if possible we can keep one computer at the job fair place and show them the video of SFI how successful it is all over the world. Audio video presentation is the best way to market SFI to new jobseekers rather than to tell one by one to them is very hard work.
I think its really a good idea that we can promote SFI at a job fair ..
This is a very good idea.
We can market SFI at a job fair where many talented jobseekers come for interview and we can get many prospective PSAs who is really serious to earn money .
We can make some name cards of SFI and print SFI marketing gateways and give to the jobseekers who are looking for job. This can be consider as part time job.
From the comfort of their home or office or anywhere jobseekers can join in SFI and can perform daily actions. No need to be job from morning ...more