"What's a better investment and why? TCredits or S-Builder Co-op?"
Much better is to invest in TCredit than in S-Builder Co-op for several reasons, namely:
First, if at the end of the first month of missing credits can be bought several packages of 1 TCredit depending on how many points you are missing, and one TCredit when they buy is obtained VP 102 points.
Second, TCredit used for gaming and that you can win prizes such as CSA members, MRP points and others.
Third, TCredit used for participation in the auction where you can win prizes such as various products as well as packages of 100, 200, 300, 500 TCredit, then get a Standing Order for 3, 6 and 9 months, and many other valuable prizes.
Fourth and most important purchase packages of 125 TCredit get 1,500 VPpoena that need to assemble a month plus get 126 TCredit. Purchasing this package make Standing Order account if you want to quickly get to the point, but also to greater status.
A S-Builder Co-op can only build a team, and you can not do until you reach a certain status, and it can only help with the Standing Order.
I hope I have helped.
"What's a better investment and why? TCredits or S-Builder Co-op?"
Much better is to invest in TCredit than in S-Builder Co-op for several reasons, namely:
First, if at the end of the first month of missing credits can be bought several packages of 1 TCredit depending on how many points you are missing, and one TCredit when they buy is obtained VP 102 points.
Second, TCredit used for gaming and that you can win prizes such as CSA members, MRP points and others.