Well I think that both are good investments to our business. We must grow our downlines, so by purchasing into the SBuilder Coop we do not have to worry about recruitment, all we have to do is follow up with our new affiliates
Tcredits, I use my standing order to play games, auctions, win prizes and maintain my level for leadership.
If you can afford both of them you should, we need to make an investment and I have no problems in investing in this because I know SFI Works and its making me money, so why limit yourself. You wanted your own business.
Well I think that both are good investments to our business. We must grow our downlines, so by purchasing into the SBuilder Coop we do not have to worry about recruitment, all we have to do is follow up with our new affiliates
Tcredits, I use my standing order to play games, auctions, win prizes and maintain my level for leadership.
If you can afford both of them you should, we need to make an investment and I have no problems in investing in this because I know SFI Works ...more