The best way to show your appreciation for the efforts of your active team is to use ECards. ECards are easy to send and can address a spectrum of acheivements. As the saying is . . . it is not the gift that counts but the thought. Getting an ECard even from an A2A friend is very uplifting and encouraging. So sponsors can really be personal with ECards.
Likewise, TCredits are like the gift that keeps giving. While 10 TCredits may not be a lot, DB auction use yeild 100 MRP. 10 AVP are accrued when spent toward the first 500 bids. Moreover, if spent at the right time, you can even win more TCredits from the daily crown or a ZackPot! There are so many possiblities to win big with EagerZebra games. So 10 TCredits is 10 chances to win BIG! I think this is an awesome way to say I appreciate you.
In addition, the recognition forum is a cool way to highlight your active members. This makes them feel accomplished and appreciated. Everyone likes a little attention. So why not put your hard working affiliates in the lime light! Sometimes, a short personal email can make a person's day.
Finally, no recognition is like support by reassignment. This can potentially increase a milestone which means greater commissions for your active PSA. Be sure to only award a PSA to your workers and let everyone participant in the loop. I've talked to PSAs who did not wish to be reassigned. So reassignment in this case would backfire. So communication plays an important role no matter how you decide to recognize your active PSAs . . . just do it and do it often.
The best way to show your appreciation for the efforts of your active team is to use ECards. ECards are easy to send and can address a spectrum of acheivements. As the saying is . . . it is not the gift that counts but the thought. Getting an ECard even from an A2A friend is very uplifting and encouraging. So sponsors can really be personal with ECards.
Likewise, TCredits are like the gift that keeps giving. While 10 TCredits may not be a lot, DB auction use yeild 100 MRP. ...more