Nice question ! As you are aware money is needed by everyone whether they are rich , not so rich or poor. All these categories would like to earn a Second Source of Income through SFI.
What matter most is how much one needs to more. Poor wants more. The middle class wants to enter the rich class and the rich wants to become even richer. There is no dearth of people who do not want to earn more.
In my opinion, it is much easier to recruit people who can invest more. They would soon become GTL, PLATINUM and even DIAMOND.
You need to explain the benefits to all of these categories in the same way, as SFI does not distinguish between classes. One who works more & invests more gets the most benefits.
Hope it helps you to get richer people more easily as other are afraid of investing their hard earned money.
Nice question ! As you are aware money is needed by everyone whether they are rich , not so rich or poor. All these categories would like to earn a Second Source of Income through SFI.
What matter most is how much one needs to more. Poor wants more. The middle class wants to enter the rich class and the rich wants to become even richer. There is no dearth of people who do not want to earn more.
In my opinion, it is much easier to recruit people who can ...more