My aim in SFI is to make money online and the amount I make will depend on the following:
- how many active affiliates I have in my team.
- how well my ECA store is performing
- how much of effort goes into referring PRMs or getting new customers everyday to buy from TripleClicks
I am also assuming that being financially independent through SFI is the reason you have joined this venture. So, it boils down to how many people you recruit get who will be self motivated and understand the long term benefits of SFI to remain active and in turn recruit and build their own team.
Very simply, I never stop talking about SFI from the moment I interact with people and this could be even before I have signed into my SFI site. I am from the old school where I believe that you can retain affiliates who will become active by building a rapport with them. And this is where my efforts are primarily focused on. This takes care of my word-of-mouth advertising.
I spend a lot of my time developing trust with my prospects.
I look out for opportunities where I can recruit more businesses as ECAs and this is another income generating stream.
Most of all, I make sure that I am in touch with my Movers on a regular basis, sometimes more than once a week and try to receive a feedback from them.
Finally, I try to motivate the sleeping affiliates and I know that at some point, they will become active because I always believe in never giving up on what you believe - that is why the results are bound to be positive.
My aim in SFI is to make money online and the amount I make will depend on the following:
- how many active affiliates I have in my team.
- how well my ECA store is performing
- how much of effort goes into referring PRMs or getting new customers everyday to buy from TripleClicks
I am also assuming that being financially independent through SFI is the reason you have joined this venture. So, it boils down to how many people you recruit get who will be self motivated