The essence of our SFI business is precisely to reach that goal: "building a strong team with real active and motivated affiliates". Some team leaders, among the early SFI members, have been able to reach their goals. We can see them among the Diamond Team Leaders (DTLs). They are our upline. We will benefit by paying close attention to their various communications, through their Leadership pages, their forum posts and their stream updates.
For us, the relatively new comers and the rookies, it is highly inspiring and motivating to know that it can be done. To a large extent, it is much easier today than it was in the early years of SFI. We have a larger, worldwide market, plus faster, more efficient communication avenues. Our first step is to fully understand what works, based on the vast experience accumulated within SFI, and apply it, as well as try our best to avoid potential mistakes that can be costly and slow us down.
Within SFI, we have the training, the information, the tips and the tools. Our part is to bring the commitment, the motivation and take action following that charted path to success outlined in the SFI training, especially the sponsoring guidelines and the rules of success.
I can summarize in three major parts my "Take-away" from all the input of the SFI training and the lessons I learned from the most experienced and seasoned SFI team leaders, in addition to incorporating the innovations as well as the more recently added income streams and business development tools.
Those three parts are as follow: (1) Fully taking advantage of the recruiting and sponsoring resources available within SFI; (2) Focusing on TripleClicks sales and referral of PRMs; (3) Supplementing our recruiting efforts with outside advertising while applying the proven methods of sponsoring success, after we bring new recruits into SFI.
A. Fully taking advantage of the SFI recruiting and sponsoring resources involve the use of the S-Builder Co-op on a regular basis, the PSAs-to-go, re-assigning affiliates to some of our team members, and including them in our own advertising co-ops.
Recruiting affiliates is a numbers game. Some will be highly active, others less, and the majority will remain inactive. We can overcome the inertia of the inactive with an increased flow of new recruits, thus having more opportunities to find the ones that will be active and committed in growing their businesses.
Let's keep in mind that we only need to have 5 highly motivated, active PSAs in our downline, teach them duplication, and help them apply similar strategies. They will carry the same approach to their own affiliates. When this method is carried out 13 generation deep in our downline, we will have built that "strong, active motivated team", with productive members.
B. Focus on TripleClicks Sales and Referral of PRMs: There are two major benefits here. On the one hand, we will earn sizable commissions with our sales and referrals. On the other hand, some of our PRMs may become SFI affiliates. Let's keep in mind that there is a revolving door between the Affiliate Marketing side and the TripleClicks Sales side. An affiliate has the opportunity to add a store to their SFI business; and, a PRM has to option of becoming an affiliate.
C. Supplementing our Recruiting efforts with outside Advertising and Marketing.
As much as possible, we should take advantage of all the recruiting tools available online and offline to build our teams. For our downline to grow, a continuing flow of new affiliates is necessary. Furthermore, we have the opportunity to interact with our prospects before they sign-up. It is proven that an initial contact with a prospect can have a very positive impact on their overall perception and understanding of the business. When we take time to educate our prospects, they will have a head start, and start working to be motivated, active, and productive affiliates.