As you build your SFI and TripleClicks business you will end up enrolling someone or many affiliates who will block your emails and/or stream messages. This is normal for the course.
Do not think it strange nor is it a reflection on your sponsorship. There are ALWAYS those who will not agree with what you are sharing with them nor do they want to be bothered by you. Some use the excuses of “Too much email” or too many “stream posts.” It does not matter what reason they give for blocking you – it is a problem they have and not you.
On the other hand if you are getting a overabundance of your teammates blocking your emails and stream posts then it would be a good idea to take another look at what you may be doing wrong.
Which could be:
1. Sending emails daily.
2. Writing two or more stream posts per day.
3. No valuable content in your emails or posts.
4. Always asking them to purchase something.
Those listed above are just samples of why a affiliate could be blocking your messages.
As to being an “awesome Sponsor;” that is controlled only by you and no one else. If you are doing all that you can and then some extra then I would say you are an Awesome Sponsor.
I personally know that I am awesome sponsor with my teammates – I also know a few of them might disagree, well that is their right (personal opinion). I have about 4 teammates over the last three years block my personal emails and stream post and one has block my team mail as well. I figure that is their loss not mine.
So I encourage you to continue being a “Awesome Sponsor” the majority of your teammates will see what you are doing for them and they will appreciate it.
As you build your SFI and TripleClicks business you will end up enrolling someone or many affiliates who will block your emails and/or stream messages. This is normal for the course.
Do not think it strange nor is it a reflection on your sponsorship. There are ALWAYS those who will not agree with what you are sharing with them nor do they want to be bothered by you. Some use the excuses of “Too much email” or too many “stream posts.” It does not matter what reason