My TC Direct Products that i have used and i really like are the following:
1. T100
2. Singly Tcredit.
3. MRP
4. SFI/TC T Shirts/cap.
5. Fast Tracker Lapel Pin
6. Health products like Glucosamine, High Energy Supplement and Thermo Burn.
7. Marketing Aids e.g banners, flyers, X cards etc.
Those i intend to use later are the S builder, PSAs To Go, Gift Cards etc.
The above has been of great recruiting and sponsoring aids for me including participating in building my team, applying for the Featured ECA Program via the Tcredit, referring ECAs, requalifying for my rank, bidding on auctions, playing games, member listing etc.
It has been fun for me.
My TC Direct Products that i have used and i really like are the following:
1. T100
2. Singly Tcredit.
3. MRP
4. SFI/TC T Shirts/cap.
5. Fast Tracker Lapel Pin
6. Health products like Glucosamine, High Energy Supplement and Thermo Burn.
7. Marketing Aids e.g banners, flyers, X cards etc.
Those i intend to use later are the S builder, PSAs To Go, Gift Cards etc.
The above has been of great recruiting and sponsoring aids for me including participating ...more