If your team members purchase TripleClicks products,
- you will earn a commission
- they will have a product or products
- the product itself (or products themselves) may help them with their SFI business
- they will earn Sales VersaPoints and MRP for their purchase
- they may earn 25 Action VersaPoints for each product they are asked to review
- they can save their MRP until there are enough to exchange them for another product
- the VersaPoints your members earn for purchasing the product or products (and VP for reviews), may help them advance or maintain a rank
- you will earn Action VersaPoints should your PSAs advance or maintain a rank
- ECAs will be happy, possibly encouraging ECAs to display more products
- everyone earns more from the TripleClicks Executive Pool
So, yes, you should definitely promote the sale of TripleClicks products to your team.
----- How To Promote the Sale of TripleClicks Products to Your Team -----
Explain to your team (in an email, Team Mail, or Tips ecard Message) the benefits of purchasing TripleClicks products (as above) and also explain the benefits of promoting the sale of TripleClicks products to their own team (also as above).
Provide links to products you recommend, and your own description of the product and its benefits, and, if you have purchased the product yourself (recommended), talk about your experience with the product.
If your team members purchase TripleClicks products,
- you will earn a commission
- they will have a product or products
- the product itself (or products themselves) may help them with their SFI business
- they will earn Sales VersaPoints and MRP for their purchase
- they may earn 25 Action VersaPoints for each product they are asked to review
- they can save their MRP until there are enough to exchange them for another product