By all means you should promote the sale of Triple Clicks products to your team.
The best way is through recommending products you have personally bought and like. There are numerous benefits from buying Triple Clicks products including the following:
1. You get to use the product
2. You earn versa points for buying the product
3. You earn additional versa points for reviewing the product
4. You earn commissions
You promote the products through the product code (item number). There are also links for sharing products. If you are a Wave3 member, you just click on the share link found in each Triple Clicks listed product.
By all means you should promote the sale of Triple Clicks products to your team.
The best way is through recommending products you have personally bought and like. There are numerous benefits from buying Triple Clicks products including the following:
1. You get to use the product
2. You earn versa points for buying the product
3. You earn additional versa points for reviewing the product
4. You earn commissions
You promote the products through the product ...more