I would answer this question with a definite YES! I do think it is a good idea to have purchased the product yourself or otherwise share that the product might be an answer to something someone is looking for although you have not actually purchased it yourself. I am a believer in integrity when marketing and integrity in sales promotion as well.
If you have purchased the product and was satisfied with it then get it on your leadership page! And share the product in a Team Mail as well if it is appropriate to what you are mailing Let me share an example: I purchased Jack Zufelt's book "The DNA of Success" and thought it was fabulous! It has helped me to better understand what it takes to be successful and he shares many examples throughout the book. I have his book listed on my Leadership page and have also referenced both the book and quotes from the book in my Team Mails or Stream posts.
This lets your team know that you endorse the product. I also encourage the purchase of 125 T-Credits and the S-Builder Co-op for team building. I purchase both of them on a monthly basis so that I can speak first hand about the product that I sell.
I also encourage my team members to look for products they are ALREADY buying and to switch to TripleClicks as their vendor. This helps support their business and they are able to get a little back-end discount in their commissions.
I would answer this question with a definite YES! I do think it is a good idea to have purchased the product yourself or otherwise share that the product might be an answer to something someone is looking for although you have not actually purchased it yourself. I am a believer in integrity when marketing and integrity in sales promotion as well.
If you have purchased the product and was satisfied with it then get it on your leadership page! And share the ...more