It is important to share how SFI enabled opportunities for you and if you never joined what would be different for you.
As an affiliate, our role is to share REAL stories about ourselves and how SFI made an impact. People will be moved when he or she is moved emotionally by what you share. People will find ways to meet their needs and wants so be sure to appeal to their needs and wants through the use of emotional - social connections.
Share with people not only what SFI does for you and your family but be sure to include "why" you joined this company.
People will be moved to do an action when the information or message resonates with them at a heart level.
It is important to share how SFI enabled opportunities for you and if you never joined what would be different for you.
As an affiliate, our role is to share REAL stories about ourselves and how SFI made an impact. People will be moved when he or she is moved emotionally by what you share. People will find ways to meet their needs and wants so be sure to appeal to their needs and wants through the use of emotional - social connections.