Leading by example is a multi-faceted behavior of the highly successful motivators and business tycoons. They draw others to themselves by building consensus around they values, their objectives, and their agenda.
Leading by example is also the ability to inspire others the impulse to emulate.
As SFI leaders, we demonstrate our leadership qualities through the examples of our positive attitude, our thorough knowledge of the business, our daily actions in building our teams, the support we provide to our affiliates and our peers, and the contributions we make to the welfare of the SFI community..
When we act accordingly, our leadership will be seamless. We will have an impact around us, an impact which will draw others to act similarly. Our downline will feel the positive vibes coming from us and react to them to copy our behavior. Our peers will find inspiration through our examples and will want to be associated with us.
How do me demonstrate to our downline our leadership by example?
There are two important sides to successful leadership. On the one hand, moral values, and professional behavior; on the other hand, well thought and planned actions yielding positive results that can be duplicated by our team members. These two sides of leadership, reenforce each other.
The activity we display on a daily basis should speak for itself. It should be indicative of our moral values and professional behavior.
Our moral values should be of integrity and compassion based on our knowledge of the rules of success and the principles of sponsoring, its does and don'ts We should have utter commitment to our aims to achieve high as well as the success and welfare of our team members.
Our professional behavior is a translation of that commitment as shown by the actions we are taking to build our businesses, grow our teams.
Our efforts will have greater positive effects and influence if our team members are fully aware of what we are doing, how we are doing it and what results we are achieving. It is all a matter of effective communications. Using the appropriate tools to that effect (team mail, leadership page, stream posts, one-to-one messages and interactions) will keep the information and feedback flowing.
Our Leadership page should be updated frequently with reports of our activity, our results, motivational tips, calls to action in areas of advertising, sponsoring, contests, participation into the quarterly leadership challenges.
We can use our stream posts in motivating our team members to consult our leadership page to help them stay abreast with what we are doing and how successful we are
We should be highly responsive to our team members' needs of support as well as ready to assist our peers
Leading by example is a multi-faceted behavior of the highly successful motivators and business tycoons. They draw others to themselves by building consensus around they values, their objectives, and their agenda.
Leading by example is also the ability to inspire others the impulse to emulate.
As SFI leaders, we demonstrate our leadership qualities through the examples of our positive attitude, our thorough knowledge of the business, our daily actions in building our teams,