My team members, both PSAs and CSAs, and I started brainstorming on how to promote the new PrivacyMaxx as soon as it was released. We were pleased and motivated to find that there was already a readily available URL link to use to that effect. In a more recent Forum comment, SFI Corporate pointed to the possibility of having a specific gateway for this product if sales pick up. Thus, it is up to us to make progress in our sales efforts; the more successful we are, the more support we will get from SFI to further boost our results.
I am pleased with my team members' activity: I have noticed their sharing of the PrivacyMaxx at their Facebook business pages, in the Facebook groups in which they are members, with Google Plus, Pinetrest, LinkedIn and other social media sites.
The above has been the focus of our first efforts.
As a team leader, I am closely following their efforts while conducting additional research on these critical issues of online security and identify theft which are a worldwide concern. As the PrivacyMaxx aims at the US market for now, my goal is to devise a comprehensive strategy for promoting the product within this market, targeting niches specific to identify theft.
We all are aware of the severe security breaches that have occurred against federal, state, municipal public administrations affecting both official data and personal information on the one hand, and on the other hand, major private corporations having also been victimized, hurting their reputation and jeopardizing their customers. The frustration, as a result of the theft of financial/personal data at such levels. adds and heightens our sense of insecurity all of us individually. Every consumer is fearful for their safety, both online and offline.
Hence, for the US market, we can be very successful promoting the new PrivacyMaxx both online and offline.
With its 3-year plan identify theft protection, 12 month post-monitoring service, $25,000 expense reimbursement insurance policy, It is a comprehensive, well priced solution to the problem
All the marketing methods available at Marketing, accessible from the SFI Affiliate Center, may be very instrumental and effective ways for promoting it, and making it one of our strongest income streams.
The beginners' marketing methods are very appropriate for offline marketing with our close relationships as well as in our wider environment, business districts, public places, public transportation and the like.
The advanced marketing methods are equally appropriate for online marketing, targeting social media sites, market niches and paid or free advertising avenue/websites.
Our results will depend on the intensity of our efforts, our resilience and our determination to continue, improving on our experience with the PrivacyMaxx