Choose the 125x125 W3banner8.gif. The tagline [Free Stuff. Every Month.] really interests me. You will stir up the curiosity of people. What free stuff can they get? Who doesn't want to have freebies? And for this, they will click on the banner and be directed to your W3 gateway and soon will be fully informed about our W3 Membership program. There's nothing to lose because they don't have to instantly purchase. All they have to do is sign up and they can earn by referring others to the program which I consider is a nice little surprise to them as visitors. Our Wave 3 introductory page is lucrative enough to get a sign up. Everything is explained in details there so you've got nothing else to do. TripleClicks does the work for you.
If you have a blog, you can put there a simple text like Wave3 Membership and attach a link to it. I'm sure people would be curious enough to know what Wave3 Membership is all about.
Choose the 125x125 W3banner8.gif. The tagline [Free Stuff. Every Month.] really interests me. You will stir up the curiosity of people. What free stuff can they get? Who doesn't want to have freebies? And for this, they will click on the banner and be directed to your W3 gateway and soon will be fully informed about our W3 Membership program. There's nothing to lose because they don't have to instantly purchase. All they have to do is sign up and they can earn by referring others to the program which ...more