"What are some good ways to promote the new PrivacyMaxx product?"
Great question!
Become an ECA?
There are so many ways to promote this product, it will take some time to give you all options.
Here are a few:
1) On your Website or Blog:
2) Post the image and attach the "GotClicks" link:
Place (Image)
3) Post information for your Affiliates to see in case they want to promote this product.
• Buy this item with 24,079 MRP or 1327 TCredits.
• TC Members earn 50 MRP with each purchase.
• SFI Affiliates also earn 5625.00 VP with each purchase.
The PrivacyMaxx plan provides proactive Internet Monitoring, fully-managed Identity Recovery service in the event an identity theft incident is detected and a $25,000 Expense Reimbursement benefit.
Internet Monitoring Service (IM): The Internet Monitoring Service proactively scans for sensitive personal information commonly sold and traded on black market internet sites and chat rooms. This service includes monitoring for credit and debit card numbers, bank account numbers, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, telephone numbers, email addresses, and other sensitive information. Proactive services reduce risks, costs and headaches related to financial fraud and identity theft. Covered members receive a monthly status email or text providing an update of their monitoring service. In addition, the system sends real-time alerts via email or text to covered members whenever there is activity. This real-time alerting and monitoring service provides a pro-active solution that is the perfect addition to recovery services.
5) Place the "GotClicks" link in your email signature.
6) Place an ad in the classifieds.
7) Write product reviews
8) Publish this product as a feature product in an article
9) Publish a press release
10) Create a Facebook Group Page.
11) Create a Facebook Fan Page
12) Seek other social media sites that have visitors and members seeking great products.
13) Linkedin also has many groups which allow sharing.
14) IBO Toolbox, very responsive audiences there, and most of what I listed here is also available to the entrepreneur all under one roof.
15) Pinterest also a very responsive audience.
16) Twitter tweets!
I think you got the picture. I picked up a few more ideas just sharing with you these few. I'm sure you are also coming up with a few extra ones yourself.
Again, very good question.
Thank you for allowing me to share!
"What are some good ways to promote the new PrivacyMaxx product?"
Great question!
Become an ECA?
There are so many ways to promote this product, it will take some time to give you all options.
Here are a few:
1) On your Website or Blog:
2) Post the image and attach the "GotClicks" link:
Place (Image)
3) Post information for your Affiliates