If your goal is to build your business and buying products is in your budget, great. Anything you buy from TripleClicks will help you monthly VP goals, but that may not be building your business. It may just allow you to maintain the status that you are at.
So what helps you build your business? First, you need business supplies and marketing tools. These include envelopes, brochures, x-Cards, post cards, letter head stationery, Gift Cards, clothing, and other items with SFI, TC, and Zebra games on them.
After you have these business and marketing tools, you will want a good amount of TCredits and S Builder shares.
The most important TC products are often overlooked. Those are the highly recognized TC direct products like the liquid nutrition, Peak nutrients, the Natural cleaning supplies, etc. And SFI radio. When you invite your local team members to your house for a training meeting, or an introductory meeting with prospects, you want them to see that you use the products, and hear the ads on the radio.
Our business is based on sales of those products and those offered by the ECAs. Unfortunately, the products of the ECAs are not specifically labeled as being from TC or SFI. So while we should buy as many products as we can use from the ECAs, their products often are not center stage in our objective to build our business.
If your goal is to build your business and buying products is in your budget, great. Anything you buy from TripleClicks will help you monthly VP goals, but that may not be building your business. It may just allow you to maintain the status that you are at.
So what helps you build your business? First, you need business supplies and marketing tools. These include envelopes, brochures, x-Cards, post cards, letter head stationery, Gift Cards, clothing, and other items with SFI, TC, and Zebra