1. A standing order of 125 t credits https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=212474 this serves several purposes. First this standing order automatically qualifies you as EA2. Which makes you eligible for triple clicks executive pool, matching vp and receiving and keeping CSA'S. Next you can use the tcredits to bid on items that will build your business such as PSA'S, CSA'S, or a lifetime custom prestige domain to name a few. You can receive versa points and member reward points while using your tcredits for member listing up to 50/mo, auctions up to 500/mo, .music downloads up to 50/mo, and play eager zebra games up to 200/mo.
2. A standing order of S-Builder Co-op Unit https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=38631
This is a advertising co-operative with SFI running it. This will get you PSA's and PRM's so that you might be able to make sales and achieve duplication.
3. By having a minimum of 1 S-Builder unit you are eligible to purchase PSA'S to go singles at $1.99 https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=403879 after doing this all you have to do is be a great sponsor and teach duplication.
Tips: Try and bid and play games that have double MRP . Using as little as 296 tcredits on bidding and games you can purchase a lifetime custom prestige domain for 2960 MRP https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=182069
In my humble opinion
1. A standing order of 125 t credits https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=212474 this serves several purposes. First this standing order automatically qualifies you as EA2. Which makes you eligible for triple clicks executive pool, matching vp and receiving and keeping CSA'S. Next you can use the tcredits to bid on items that will build your business such as PSA'S, CSA'S, or a lifetime custom prestige domain to name a few. You can receive versa points and ...more