I first explain that TripleClicks is an online e-commerce platform that brings buyers and sellers together in a convenient and secure manner.
I explain that SFI is the parent company that oversees the activities and business conducted at TripleClicks, and that SFI provides the training and resources to equip SFI affiliates to market and promote the TripleClicks site as well as individual products or categories from TripleClicks.
I try to keep the introduction simple. If they are truly interested, prospective ECAs will then continue the conversation with questions of their own.
I first explain that TripleClicks is an online e-commerce platform that brings buyers and sellers together in a convenient and secure manner.
I explain that SFI is the parent company that oversees the activities and business conducted at TripleClicks, and that SFI provides the training and resources to equip SFI affiliates to market and promote the TripleClicks site as well as individual products or categories from TripleClicks.