There are a number of ways in which you can spend Tcredits examples of which are:
Pricebenders Auctions
For every bid you make, this will earn you 5 or even 10 MRP (if there are double mrps in the auction) and 1 AVP. You can earn a maximum of 500 AVP in a month. On top of this you could be the lucky winner of the auction with savings of as much as 90%.
500 AVP is significant and could be the difference between two SFI ranks. Your SFI rank of course determines your earning potential and therefore also contributes towards building your business.
Eager Zebra Games
For every game that you play where you spend 1 Tcredit, you will be awarded at least 5 MRP and 1 versa point, regardless of whether you win or lose and you can make a maximum of 200 AVP per month.
TC Music downloads
Here you can earn one versa point for every download and a maximum of 50 AVP per month.
Member Listings at Tripleclicks
Each listing (things that you are selling) will cost you 1 Tcredit and for every listing that you place you will get 1 versa point and a maximum of 50 versa points per month.
Assign Tcredits to your PSA or CSA
Here, you will be promoting team building by recognising the efforts of the stars of your team. You will not earn a versa points but your reward will be seen through the growth of your team.
To summarise how use Tcredits is a matter of personal preference and also how many Tcredits you have. The more Tcredits you have the more options you have and you can choose from the above which options best suit what you have.
There are a number of ways in which you can spend Tcredits examples of which are:
Pricebenders Auctions
For every bid you make, this will earn you 5 or even 10 MRP (if there are double mrps in the auction) and 1 AVP. You can earn a maximum of 500 AVP in a month. On top of this you could be the lucky winner of the auction with savings of as much as 90%.
500 AVP is significant and could be the difference between two SFI ranks. Your SFI rank of course determines your earning potential