The ECA program is one of the multiple income streams offered under SFI affiliate program. It is where an SFI affiliate can have the opportunity to supplement his/her income besides earning his/her monthly commissions from his/her SFI business.
When talking to prospective ECAs about the role of SFI, you can best achieve this by presenting the facts and figures of SFI and TripleClicks. You’ll have the opportunity to explain clearly how SFI relates to TripleClicks ECAs as you go through the following SFI BY THE NUMBERS:
17th successful year for SFI (30th for SFI's parent company)
1.6 million affiliates (15,591 new added last week)
4.3 million TripleClicks members
83,922 commissionable products (610 new added last week)
3,871 E-Commerce Affiliates (in 145 countries)
66 LocalPay Merchants (in 24 countries)
Millions - Commissions paid out to our affiliates (in US Dollars)
- You can expand each fact above starting with the origin and launching of SFI and how it has grown significantly with TripleClicks.
- With 1.6 million SFI affiliates promoting TripleClicks ECAs’ products/services, the potential earnings for prospective ECAs are enormous.
- Besides SFI affiliates promotion of ECAs products/services, prospective ECAs can market their products to 4.3 million TC members.
- Your prospective ECAs have the opportunity to be featured on the SFI Affiliate Center homepage via the FECAD (Featured ECA of the Day) program, provided they’ll offer SFI-related products/services. Their products/services will be exposed to 1.6 million SFI affiliates and connect with them with the link. In addition to being featured at the SFI Affiliate Center, they’ll also be the featured ECA on ECA tab at TripleClicks.
- SFI – the parent company of TripleClicks through its official news blog has just made an announcement about the new TC features and policies: All ECAs can now accept MRP as a payment option and all Pricebenders auctions are now open to all bidders from all countries. This is a big opportunity for your prospective ECAs to boost their sales opportunity around the world.
Through the new gift certificates program for Pricebenders, gift certificate winners can redeem the same or similar products that they have won from ECAs of their choice that are aligned with the program.
The ECA program is one of the multiple income streams offered under SFI affiliate program. It is where an SFI affiliate can have the opportunity to supplement his/her income besides earning his/her monthly commissions from his/her SFI business.
When talking to prospective ECAs about the role of SFI, you can best achieve this by presenting the facts and figures of SFI and TripleClicks. You’ll have the opportunity to explain clearly how SFI relates to TripleClicks ECAs as you go through