TCredits act as TC currency for member listings, to bid on Pricebenders Auctions, to participate in contests, download songs from TripleClicks Music, and more @
I use my tcredits to earn versa points and mrps. With versa points I earned, I contribute my share in the Executive Pool which will be converted in to my income. Accumulated mrps can be used to buy tcredits at 126 mrps per tcredit
Asking for the most valuable thing to spend my tcredits on, I would pick the best out of 8 ways to spend my tcredits. My priority is to participate in pricebenders for items that I really need such as Lifetime Prestige Custom Dorman, PSAs, CSAs Tcredit auctions, and Eager Zebra Games that come up with double MRPs.
Winning tcredits auction gives me more tcredit to use. Winning PSAs and CSAs will build up my genealogy. With Eager Zebra Games, I can win PSAs, CSA, tcredits, mrps abd vps. With 1 tcredit for each item, I will earn me 1 avp and 5 mrps or 10 mrps. The other ways are of secondary importance.
I must make sure that every tcredit I spend must contribute towards building up my business.
TCredits act as TC currency for member listings, to bid on Pricebenders Auctions, to participate in contests, download songs from TripleClicks Music, and more @
I use my tcredits to earn versa points and mrps. With versa points I earned, I contribute my share in the Executive Pool which will be converted in to my income. Accumulated mrps can be used to buy tcredits at 126 mrps per tcredit
Asking for the most valuable thing to spend