For of all I direct them to the START, SFI BASIC and LAUCHPAD buttons at the top of the Affiliate Center Homepage..
Let time know that if they earn 500 Versa Points by completing their Daily Actions and the Getting Started Actions with the jets next to them, they can earn an extra 250 Versa Points.
If you can give them a $20.00 Gift Certification with which to purchase their New Members Package (NMP). Also, include the fact that they get another 500 Versa Points in Sales, 200 MRPs and 50 TCredits with which to play EZ games and bid on PriceBender Auctions.
The above will help them to become EA quicker and the next month EA2.
FINALLY:: Recruit five Affiliates and have them doe the same.
Most importantly: Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate
Oh, yes, let's not for get setting up a standing order in their 2nd month to become EA2
For of all I direct them to the START, SFI BASIC and LAUCHPAD buttons at the top of the Affiliate Center Homepage..
Let time know that if they earn 500 Versa Points by completing their Daily Actions and the Getting Started Actions with the jets next to them, they can earn an extra 250 Versa Points.
If you can give them a $20.00 Gift Certification with which to purchase their New Members Package (NMP). Also, include the fact that they get another 500 Versa Points in Sales, ...more