Here are some of the tips
1. Inform them that SFI is not a get rich quick business.
2. Inform them that SFI is free and has a proven track record with over 17 years experience
3.This is their business and that it's success or failure is dependent on them
4.To know more about SFI, they should view the start ,basic button and the launch pad
5. That they should login and complete the Getting Started Action(One time action)
6.That SFI basically is about scoring Versa Point, hence they should login and do the daily,weekly and monthly task
7.Inform them of the New Member Pack and the benefits of purchasing NMP
8. That as their sponsor, you are here to assist them and that they should feel free to contact you.
Here are some of the tips
1. Inform them that SFI is not a get rich quick business.
2. Inform them that SFI is free and has a proven track record with over 17 years experience
3.This is their business and that it's success or failure is dependent on them
4.To know more about SFI, they should view the start ,basic button and the launch pad
5. That they should login and complete the Getting Started Action(One time action)
6.That SFI basically is about scoring Versa Point,