Thanks for this question.
Advantages of Putting your CSAs in to the new CSA Exchange:
1. You will be able to have CSAs of your own Country;
2. You will be able to communicate with them in your Language;
3. Meeting them personally at regular intervals;
4. Using telephone facilities often to stay in touch will be cheaper;
5. More chances of having them participate if you organize "Affiliates Meetings";
6. Huge possibility of Creating good understanding & friendship;
7. Can Create more active CSAs;
8. Team Building will be very easy;
9. One on one bonding can be created;
10. Even inactive one can be made active though consistent efforts by establishing good rapport;
By doing all these, the chances of having a good team comprising of active CSAs will be very much possible.
Due to your efforts, they can grow and naturally you will grow too.
Its because of all these that SFI has come out with such a wonderful offer now.
In fact, I already exchanged close 226 CSAs and very soon I will have 96 more exchanged. In fact, I already started communicating with them by going through their details through Genealogy. Some of them also responded with questions immediately.
I am pretty confident that soon, I will have quite active CSAs also in my Team!!
Based on the advantages explained and the results that I received, I would say again, "YES", please go ahead and put your CSAs from other countries in to the new CSA Exchange Program immediately. While doing it, please take care to retain your active CSAs irrespective of their Country of Origin.
Thanks for this question.
Advantages of Putting your CSAs in to the new CSA Exchange:
1. You will be able to have CSAs of your own Country;
2. You will be able to communicate with them in your Language;
3. Meeting them personally at regular intervals;
4. Using telephone facilities often to stay in touch will be cheaper;
5. More chances of having them participate if you organize "Affiliates Meetings";
6. Huge possibility of Creating good understanding