The most valuable thing to spend your TCredits on is anything that earns you Action Versa Points (AVP).
These type of points can be the hardest to come by, especially when you are trying to achieve Team Leader status (BTL to DTL).
By playing Pricebender Auctions, Eager Zebra Games and voting in TripleClicks music contest, you can earn up to 500AVP from the auctions, 200AVP from the games, and 50VP from TC Music contest.
That is up to a maximum of 750 AVP in a month you can earn towards your Team Leader rank. Plus, for each day you spend a TCredit in an auction or EZ game, you earn an additional AVP for each one - an extra 56 - 62 AVP available to you every month.
Try to look at winning the auction or a game is just a bonus....the real benefit is that you are trying to reach a higher rank, which can boost your Matching VP from the TripleClicks Executive Pool. And you will show your downline how active you are, and you can then teach them to do the same things. That is how you can grow your business significantly by using TCredits in the best possible way.
The most valuable thing to spend your TCredits on is anything that earns you Action Versa Points (AVP).
These type of points can be the hardest to come by, especially when you are trying to achieve Team Leader status (BTL to DTL).
By playing Pricebender Auctions, Eager Zebra Games and voting in TripleClicks music contest, you can earn up to 500AVP from the auctions, 200AVP from the games, and 50VP from TC Music contest.
That is up to a maximum of 750 AVP in a month ...more