Please find below the best ways to encourage down line members to participate in Pricebenders Auction:
1. Show your downline that you have already won PB auction by redirecting them to your PB auction winning badge in your leadership page.
2. Advise your team that they can win their favorite TC products like Iphone, Ipad, Tablet, Laptop & other exciting products at very cheap prices compared to market rates in PB auctions.
3. Guide your affiliates to the tricks and strategies involved in winning any PB auction based on your experience and guile.
4. Project to your team members that they are winners too incase they do not win in PB auction as they are gaining VersaPoints (AVP) for every bid they are placing. They can win 500 AVP max per month required by them to maintain their TL status by bidding in PB auctions. They can also win invaluable MRP's (Member Reward Points) 5-10 max per bid placed depending on the type of auction which is redeemable for buying TC products as well as T-Credits.
5. Moreover, participating & following up PB auction is fun as well as brainstorming in view of the fact that when one place a bid to enable them to win the auction. This is vital and the more you play the more confident you become.
6. Tell your members regarding Bid Log, Bid Assist tools of PB auction.
7. There is also Bid & Build program where participants can win PSA's for 10 bids placed suitable for growth of their SFI business.
8. Moreover, now its important to spend 1 T-Credit per day to bid in PB Auction Tab and win 2 AVPs required to maintain daily VP streak for SFI affiliates.
9. Finally, their are Junior Auction, Under Performer (UP) which are historically easier to win.
10. DP (Double Points) Auctions are most attractive for participants as they can win 10 MRP's per bid placed.
Hence, PB auctions are the most significant and productive aspect of SFI/TC business and its growth and fellow affiliates must enjoy the challenge to win PB auction.
Please find below the best ways to encourage down line members to participate in Pricebenders Auction:
1. Show your downline that you have already won PB auction by redirecting them to your PB auction winning badge in your leadership page.
2. Advise your team that they can win their favorite TC products like Iphone, Ipad, Tablet, Laptop & other exciting products at very cheap prices compared to market rates in PB auctions.
3. Guide your affiliates to the tricks