The words "without relying on SFI management" scream out rebellion, the rebellion to Duplication. Success in SFI is dependent on duplication. We follow those who have succeeded before us. We do what they do. Creativity is no always the best thing. Creativity is purposely doing something like no one else is doing it. Do we want our PSAs to do that?
In fact, the area that is most apt to turn on our creativity is closed to us as beginner affiliates so that we will learn how to use what is already in use. Read the Affiliate Agreement thoroughly again. But for now #20 and #26 are in my focus. the advertising rules. In short, we are to only use the text ads, banners, etc. that are already approved by SFI for all advertising. When we are a Team Leader, then we may submit our own ads to SFI for approval and then use them. There are other rules about what, how and where we can advertise. Do you want your PSAs breaking this agreement and being cut out of SFI?
In every facet of SFI we are encouraged to duplicate what our sponsor is doing. That of course is dependent upon your sponsor being active and duplicating his own sponsor. If you are sponsored by an inactive affiliate or one that you can tell is not following SFI procedure, then you must find help from other up line, the Forum, ASK SC, the Help Desk, etc. You do want to duplicate what is succeeding and you want your PSAs to do the same.
What you can do to make SFI more attractive to your new PSAs is to be excited about the programs, tell them what you like about SFI, how you use certain tools, about the comp plan and the many ways they can profit from it. Never use negative thoughts. There is always a positive way to say something. You don't need to "warn" them about anything, they will find the bumps by themselves. Be ready to answer questions about their disappointments. The first commission if they only did the To Do List, starting at zero on the second month. Thing like that have a positive side to them. Find it.
Teach them how to find answers, how to use the tabs and menus, and searches. Let them learn that all their questions have answers and their problems have solutions. And that they are important to your team and to the SFI Family.
The words "without relying on SFI management" scream out rebellion, the rebellion to Duplication. Success in SFI is dependent on duplication. We follow those who have succeeded before us. We do what they do. Creativity is no always the best thing. Creativity is purposely doing something like no one else is doing it. Do we want our PSAs to do that?
In fact, the area that is most apt to turn on our creativity is closed to us as beginner affiliates so that we will learn how to use