You lead by example to convince them practically how the SFI works.You should show them bulk of works one can do on SFI to earn points and advance in rank.After they have familiarize themselves with SFI for sometimes , you try to support them with reward so that they can maintain their rank for sometimes.Then,you can introduce to them to maintain standing order so that they can maintain their points all through.All businesses requires expenses to come out with profit and SFI is no different-make them to understand that.
You lead by example to convince them practically how the SFI works.You should show them bulk of works one can do on SFI to earn points and advance in rank.After they have familiarize themselves with SFI for sometimes , you try to support them with reward so that they can maintain their rank for sometimes.Then,you can introduce to them to maintain standing order so that they can maintain their points all through.All businesses requires expenses to come out with profit and SFI is no different-make ...more