If you are one who is uncomfortable purchasing use your story to get them warmed up. Then what you can ask is what is their major problem that makes them uncomfortable and explain to them that SFI is continuously updating their systems so that malwares, worms etc. and scamming is not being done so it is relatively safe to purchase at Tripleclicks.com with credit cards and debit cards. They continuosly ask the affiliates to report any person trying to give a story of grandparents or parents or president of a country giving them money and asking us to help them all are to be reported so you are relatively safe.
If you are one who is uncomfortable purchasing use your story to get them warmed up. Then what you can ask is what is their major problem that makes them uncomfortable and explain to them that SFI is continuously updating their systems so that malwares, worms etc. and scamming is not being done so it is relatively safe to purchase at Tripleclicks.com with credit cards and debit cards. They continuosly ask the affiliates to report any person trying to give a story of grandparents or parents or president ...more