Good day Milena, how has your day been?
Nice question, and i hope i would be able to assist you the best way possible.
Well, Genealogy filter is a good tool for communicating with your downline. With the filter, it aids effective communication with your active downline. Areas you can narrow down search includes :-
1. Those who have logged on in the last 10 days or more.
2. Those affiliate that have a Standing order.
3. Shows affiliate's versa points accrued within the month and encourage the new affiliates that join to accumulate 1500 vp and above.
4. Ease of sending gift certificate to hard working affiliates to assist them in their SFI business.
5. Ease of transferring some T credits.
6. Ability to know the affiliates Geographical Area and re assign such affiliates to active affiliates in the team that are from the same country.
7.Sending of team mails to active affiliate as they respond and always willing to ask questions on their SFI business.
The best filter i use is the "Quick Filters" as it permits ease access to My movers, New CSAs, New PSAs, EA last month, standing orders, New Team Leaders this month and last day of logging on by the affiliates.
This is the beauty of such tool which has helped in my business.
Hope i was able to help.
See you at the top
Good day Milena, how has your day been?
Nice question, and i hope i would be able to assist you the best way possible.
Well, Genealogy filter is a good tool for communicating with your downline. With the filter, it aids effective communication with your active downline. Areas you can narrow down search includes :-
1. Those who have logged on in the last 10 days or more.
2. Those affiliate that have a Standing order.
3. Shows affiliate's versa points