Google Translate is a great tool to use when communicating with team members from other countries as a quick on-line translation tool. Another translation online tool that I have used from time to time is Babelfish. URL is
I appreciate the question being focused on "effective communication". For the team I am working with, I have found translation to be helpful but also do ask team members for their feed back to be sure that what is being sent is helpful to them. I make sure that I ask PSA's and even CSA's that are from specific language user-groups to be sure that what I send is meeting their needs as how I may think a message is being portrayed may not necessarily match how the message is being received by the receiver (audience member).
Feed-back is the best way to know if your translation is effective and beneficial for fellow PSA's.
As a great team builder opportunity, ask for support from a few key down line members who are from respective countries to become your Down Line Translation Team - as a Translation Team, you may want to schedule weekly or bi-weekly meetings to discuss the up-coming communication notes that you want to share with the team and have Translation Team members come up with ideas which will help your message to be clear as well as be Culturally Adaptive to more than 1 language group. Language - the message you say, in addition to being Culturally Sensitive equals effective, respectful communication.
Words (Message) + Cultural Sensitivity = Effective Communication
Solicit among down line team members their interest to be part of a Translation Team that you can co-ordinate and possibly have language representation for what your whole down line composition is made up of eg: Italian, Urdu, Japanese, Chinese (remember various dialects), Russian, German et al. In return for their time to participate in the Translation Team, be sure to recognize these individuals by way of a Stream Post, Team Mailer or even personally with an e-card or membership in a Co-Op Manager that you may be operating or a Re-Assignment of a PSA/CSA.
Remember Translation is only language level but also the other component for effective communication is Cultural Sensitivity - when both of these elements are synchronized, your down line PSA's will appreciate your consideration and interest in their SFI activity.
Google Translate is a great tool to use when communicating with team members from other countries as a quick on-line translation tool. Another translation online tool that I have used from time to time is Babelfish. URL is
I appreciate the question being focused on "effective communication". For the team I am working with, I have found translation to be helpful but also do ask team members for their feed back to be sure that what is being sent is helpful