Everyone learns differently so it will be important for a leader of a down-line team to consider different ways to share information that will help others to build their downline. The following may be of benefit to understand so that presentations or explanations about down-line recruitment are understood by several of your fellow team mates:
Learning preference:
1. Visual - likes to see a demonstration, a video or a picture of how it may be done
2. Auditory - likes to listen to an audio clip of a presentation of how recruitment growth may work
3. Verbal-linguistic - likes to learn from reading materials so can offer references from SFI website of articles, review Launch Pad lessons or even read posts on the Forum and Stream to learn how to build a down-line team
4. Physical - likes to do trial and error to see what works best for him or herself. Provide little direction but this type of learner will just take your suggestion then immediately try and see how it goes
5. Logical - likes the "why" of tasks or strategies for down-line growth so provide a little more constructive information as to why certain strategies will work or the why one approach is done in one manner and the other in a different manner
6. Social - likes to work in teams so may want to suggest connection with another fellow affiliate via Skype or offer your time through Skype to host brain storming sessions that promote social connection with you and others to learn how to build a down line team
7. Solitary - likes to work alone and use self-study for their learning how to do things. Provide some references for this learner to carry on with their efforts but be sure to give opportunity for he or she to connect with you to discuss any barriers that he or she may have to their down line growth.
It is apparent that as a leader you have the "know how" as you are now asking how to teach down line members to build their own teams so it is now up to you to share your "know how" to build down line teams to match the different learning styles of people. As you can see from my brief comments above - people are diverse so it is important to differentiate your explanation and teaching to meet the needs of all your down line learners.
Everyone learns differently so it will be important for a leader of a down-line team to consider different ways to share information that will help others to build their downline. The following may be of benefit to understand so that presentations or explanations about down-line recruitment are understood by several of your fellow team mates:
Learning preference:
1. Visual - likes to see a demonstration, a video or a picture of how it may be done
2. Auditory - likes