The reason why lazy and unmotivated people join SFI is the money. This means that they want to be rich overnight without having to do any work so motivating these kind of people is a waste of time. Your job as a Sponsor and Co- Sponsor is to educate affiliates who are business minded and really want to start there own business and knows what it takes to succeed.
Lazy people do not succeed because they have the get rich quick mentality entrepreneurs are the opposite, they succeed because they have the right mindset and understand that it takes smart work, patience and dedication, so these are the people you should spend your energy with because not only will they succeed but so will you.
Answer this question, can you turn cheap glass into a diamond? Can a teacher produce talent where there is none? The answer is NO.
Your job is to use your genealogy and movers tab to separate the wheat from the chaff. What does a farmer do with the chaff? It gets bound and burned in the fire.
The reason why lazy and unmotivated people join SFI is the money. This means that they want to be rich overnight without having to do any work so motivating these kind of people is a waste of time. Your job as a Sponsor and Co- Sponsor is to educate affiliates who are business minded and really want to start there own business and knows what it takes to succeed.
Lazy people do not succeed because they have the get rich quick mentality entrepreneurs are the opposite, they succeed because ...more