I suppose many answers will simply refer you to the ideas suggested under the marketing tab or other areas that have been suggested by SFI, and it is possible that some of them may be new to you.
I know there are some there I have not thought of, but your question suggests you are looking for something that has not already proposed.
Well, how about this: Hire an airplane to tow one of the SFI banner ads over any medium sized city or over a suburban area either during the rush hours as people are either going to or home from their J.O.B.S.
Sound CRAZY? Of course, but I'll bet you've not seen it suggested before! Or have sandwich boards made up with your SFI gateways and walk through any areas that have lots of people walking (malls, parks, and near schools or even churches) come to mind.
The point is:LET YOUR MIND GO! At least 90% of ALL technology we today have today was first dreamed of by someone that was ridiculed by people who believed the idea was IMPOSSIBLE!
This is a REALLY great question!
I suppose many answers will simply refer you to the ideas suggested under the marketing tab or other areas that have been suggested by SFI, and it is possible that some of them may be new to you.
I know there are some there I have not thought of, but your question suggests you are looking for something that has not already proposed.
Well, how about this: Hire an airplane to tow one of the SFI banner ads over any medium sized city ...more