Thanks for this question.
For a variety of On line Translation tools available, SFI itself has created a Page with various Tips.
Since all these can not be adequately explained here, I would suggest your visiting the following link:
Once you read it, please download and install the appropriate Translator, free of cost, in your PC.
When you find your PSA from other countries on line and you want to use the SFIM (Provided the person at the other end responds) please type out your short, few liner messages in the Translator Page and have them translated in to the language you desire and then paste it in the SFIM.
If you receive the reply then cut it and paste it in the Translator Page, have it converted, read, understand and then type out your reply, translate it and go back to SFIM and paste it.
This is how you can keep your conversation going on...Its time consuming.
The best thing is, use this technique in the initial days. Understand the PSAs requirement and slowly make him to communicate with you through E-Mails. There you can receive PSA's questions and post your reply in detail duly translated. This will serve the purpose.
1. Download and install one of the free Translators in to your PC.
2. Use the Translator facility to create good understanding with your PSAs from other countries
in the initial days.
3. Slowly get on to communication through E-Mails.
4. Use the Translator effectively to build relationship and thereby a strong Team and successful
5. Using Translator regularly in SFIM will be quite cumbersome and will not help in the long run.
Thanks for this question.
For a variety of On line Translation tools available, SFI itself has created a Page with various Tips.
Since all these can not be adequately explained here, I would suggest your visiting the following link:
Once you read it, please download and install the appropriate Translator, free of cost, in your PC.
When you find your PSA from other countries on line and