There is no simple way to teach anyone to do anything in my opinion. Lots of people like to do things their own way. Taking that into account, I would compose a short message to my team and put it in point form.
Point form works for many as there is not much reading to do and it stands out.
You can say something like this:
“Hello to all my team. Hope you are having a great day. I would like to include a few tips for you to help you build your team”
“There are many ways to build a team. Some are free and some cost money. The free way is a bit slow but, of course it is free. The paid way is faster for those who have a little money to invest”
“Start by doing some free or paid advertising. Just Google the words “Free advertising” for more information”
“You can purchase your team from one of the many sellers in the TripleClicks store. This is of great benefit to you. As well as receiving PSAs, you also receive VP and MRP which you can also use to purchase more PSAs”
You get the idea. In your messages, always make your offer of help and include your own email address as well as any other hints and tips you might have for them. You also need to include your Leadership Page details and make sure your Leadership Page is up to date.
There is no simple way to teach anyone to do anything in my opinion. Lots of people like to do things their own way. Taking that into account, I would compose a short message to my team and put it in point form.
Point form works for many as there is not much reading to do and it stands out.
You can say something like this:
“Hello to all my team. Hope you are having a great day. I would like to include a few tips for you to help you build your team”