Hello, my first advice you and be prepared to have PSAs understand all procedures both TripleClcks as the SFI Affiliate Center,
When you have a new PSA send a team email (for me this step is important because the first impression is very important) to it welcoming to the program and explaining the same should strive daily to succeed in this e- mail also talk about the tasks he has to do daily, weekly, monthly to accumulate VersaPoints, and talk about the possibilities of buying packages like FastTraack Member, besides the tasks and talk about the importance of accumulating VersaPoints to have a better rank,you should show available to answer questions, give advice.
If it does not answer your e-mails not give up, again you have to tame it, talk a little about you and about the experience taht you have the SFI and your life (would be interesting),
Albert Einstein wrote: The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary, you can search a few sentences of this type to encourage him to do more then to be persevering.
One thought I have when I talk to someone from the SFI Affiliate Center and what his goals, if he has a business plan, where he lives, if it works, where it works, what it works, I try to know the person better, The more information you have the better your PSA, for example there are people who want to buy products and then resell them, or who want to buy or sell a particular product sector, building an affiliate network.
Are many options and will not be with an e-mail that you will succeed, having a position of leader, show that you know but lead by example.
Finishing know and understand your PSA as a person, explain to him the technical parts, if it were to define the best strategy would be part technique + develop the relationship with your PSA.
I hope it helps
My Best regards
Hello, my first advice you and be prepared to have PSAs understand all procedures both TripleClcks as the SFI Affiliate Center,
When you have a new PSA send a team email (for me this step is important because the first impression is very important) to it welcoming to the program and explaining the same should strive daily to succeed in this e- mail also talk about the tasks he has to do daily, weekly, monthly to accumulate VersaPoints, and talk about the possibilities of buying packages like