I would like my 10 A2A friends, to be people I can easily communicate with and that I find we have mutual respect in helping each other to succeed in our Businesses, and share ideas of what is working for each one of us.
Followers are generally those that I find have useful information to share but in general I don't have a one to one connection like I tend to have with A2A friends.
I personally never actually chose my A2A friends. originally they actually sent me a request which I accepted.
We do have the choice to change our A2A friends, so if I were to find that some would not communicate with me at all, I can always replace them with someone that I have become more connected to.
We also now have the chat facility, so whether A2A or not we can communicate with others too So with time we might find ourselves adjusting our A2A friends if we felt it would be beneficial.
I would like my 10 A2A friends, to be people I can easily communicate with and that I find we have mutual respect in helping each other to succeed in our Businesses, and share ideas of what is working for each one of us.
Followers are generally those that I find have useful information to share but in general I don't have a one to one connection like I tend to have with A2A friends.
I personally never actually chose my A2A friends. originally they actually sent me a request which ...more