Make sure you have more than one income stream at work. While logging in daily to score VP and maintaining a strong, robust team of affiliates is a good thing, sometimes that good thing may only be a drop in the bucket. So of course, you may need to have other avenues to think about.
There's the SFIPPA (Pay-per-action) program where you earn a bounty for each sign-up.
The ECA program is also good if you have a shop of your own, but no online platform; or, you can sign up and promote other ECAs to get on board.
Promoting Pricebenders and Eager Zebra is a great avenue, too. You can even build an income stream by selling packs of T-Credits to TripleClicks members you've signed up.
If you are successful in these avenues, then not only will you have a flowing stream of income, you'll have a river. Just make sure that river doesn't dry up. ;)
Make sure you have more than one income stream at work. While logging in daily to score VP and maintaining a strong, robust team of affiliates is a good thing, sometimes that good thing may only be a drop in the bucket. So of course, you may need to have other avenues to think about.
There's the SFIPPA (Pay-per-action) program where you earn a bounty for each sign-up.
The ECA program is also good if you have a shop of your own, but no online platform; or, you can sign up and promote ...more