The number 1 most effective strategy is to Slow Down and Look Carefully.
One of the most asked questions in the forum is "where do I get started?" and one of the most stated reasons for inactivity is "SFI is so big and confusing, I was overwhelmed.". But SFI isn't designed to be that way, we have a button marked START which is where everyone should start, and focus only on that video which will tell you exactly what to do next.
From Start we are lead to the 4 part SFI Basics, which give a outline of what is most important to learn in your training. Then the Launchpad which is 30 Days of lessons that too many people try to finish in a day or a week and come out confused and on information overload.
They fail to slow down and read that part that says DAY 1, or Day 2 and go about pushing themselves to complete it in as little time as possible.
The end result of being in too much of a hurry is you get overwhelmed by all the links and menus, try to cram a month of learning into a couple days, miss key information vital to your business, get scared and confused and don't know where to get help despite the forum and links to your sponsor as well as an amazing search box with tens of thousands of answers all being listed on your home page.
Some get even more confused because they try to do the same with every menu and link on the site. They click each link in the menu bar in order and follow all the drop down links and get more confused because they aren't in a step by step order which we get through the LaunchPad and our Versa Points Ledger.
SFI teaches you 90% of everything you will need to know to run your SFI business. I say 90% because you should never accept just one source for all your training and should learn something new every day of your entire life. But, to get that training and not get confused and overwhelmed you have to slow down, start with the Start Button, follow the training in it's proper order and over the prescribed period allowing each lesson time to sink in.
The number 1 most effective strategy is to Slow Down and Look Carefully.
One of the most asked questions in the forum is "where do I get started?" and one of the most stated reasons for inactivity is "SFI is so big and confusing, I was overwhelmed.". But SFI isn't designed to be that way, we have a button marked START which is where everyone should start, and focus only on that video which will tell you exactly what to do next.
From Start we are lead to the