I will share my own experience again, because this is what I know about my financial budget. Of course is personal choice for people what will they do or do not with their money depending of their own expenses.
In my first years I didn't have even a SO, because my budget was tight or may be I didn't calculate my expenses. Whatever. On my first two months I invested without SO around $50. I earned commission in August 2011 and I re-invested it. Starting then I re-invest every month my commission that varied between $20-$50 every month to be EA2. On January 2012 I lost active people and my commission dropped down. I still had commission that I re-invested and I didn't bid on auctions to save my T-credits and MRP for purchasing something that made me EA2.
In 2014 my commission was really bad - around $15 and I re-invested it all in purchasing every single day one T-credit for 126 MRP, because I had a lot MRP. Also in this year I had a new Co-sponsor. A great lady that sent me Gift certificates to remain my EA2 sometimes, but I began to invest my commission and more money /around $15/ to remain Ea2. This year I am in better financial situation at the moment and the budget I invest + my commission every month is around $100. So there are few options you have for a budget:
1. SO for 1200 VP /100 T-credits/ for $29 and with AVP from daily, weekly and monthly actions you become EA2';
2. SO for 1500 VP /125 T-credits/ for $36.28 you are EA2 with it and with other actions and sales you can become BTL if you have active team
3. SO for 1780 VP /125 T-credits + 1 unit S-co-builder) for $58.25 - you are EA 2 and or can pay more $40 for t-credits that transform into AVP to become BTL.
4. No SO and no money for investment - you have a lot of working time,but with Sales you can become EA2 if you promote every day products from Tripleclics that can earn you commissions or if you're seller on your own stuff. Also you can play games for free to earn entrance to DC and by doing daily actions you should participate in DG. This way you can win some prizes that can make you EA2.
So the good budget depends of what you want to become - EA2, BTL or great seller.
This is my experience till now. Hope it helps.
I will share my own experience again, because this is what I know about my financial budget. Of course is personal choice for people what will they do or do not with their money depending of their own expenses.
In my first years I didn't have even a SO, because my budget was tight or may be I didn't calculate my expenses. Whatever. On my first two months I invested without SO around $50. I earned commission in August 2011 and I re-invested it. Starting then I re-invest every month my commission