This is a worldwide online business and you can buy products from any ECA at TripleClicks (TC) from any part of the world irrespective of where you reside. However, there are some benefits your PSAs stand to derive if you advice they buy from ECAs in their countries as stated below:
1. It may significantly reduce the cost of shipping as products are shipped and delivered within the same country. This will serve as motivation for your PSAs to make more purchases.
2. There is a degree of enhanced confidence and trust when your PSAs deal with local ECAs within the same cultural and traditional background because they have common ways of doing business on a local level.
3. There is the possibility of availing of local pick-ups (will-call option) which totally eradicates shipping costs and also has the potential of your PSAs to develop good business relationships with ECAs in their countries or even their localities. This may enhance the number of repeat customers and increase sales volume, which is a win-win situation for the ECAs, yourself and your PSAs, even the TC Executive Pool.
There are some of your PSAs who may not be interested in purchases at TC because of the often prohibitive shipping costs associated with some products and from far shipping locations, so by helping out in this way will encourage them to build their businesses where applicable.
4. Again, remember that one of the major reasons the Local Pay program was introduced is to address the problem of paying for goods purchased at TC because many affiliates do not have the wherewithal to choose any or most of the available payment methods, for example many do not have a credit card or a PayPal account among others.
Your encouraging them to patronise ECAs from their countries will help because they can pay for purchases with mutually agreed methods local to them and the ECAs. You see, some affiliates leave SFI as a result of payment difficulties, so when this problem is removed, there is the tendency that you will retain those who would have otherwise quit for this reason.
In conclusion, I must add that there is a limit you can go with this especially if the ECAs in their countries do not have the products they require at a particular time or on a continuous basis, then the next strategic advise you need to give them is to search for possibilities first, of buying from ECAs from nearby countries or within the same geographic region, second, before they go to the world at large.
This is a worldwide online business and you can buy products from any ECA at TripleClicks (TC) from any part of the world irrespective of where you reside. However, there are some benefits your PSAs stand to derive if you advice they buy from ECAs in their countries as stated below:
1. It may significantly reduce the cost of shipping as products are shipped and delivered within the same country. This will serve as motivation for your PSAs to make more purchases.
2. There is