I keep in touch via ecards, Stream, team mail, encouraging them to keep learning, advertising, sponsoring to the best of their abilities.
I also encourage them to participate in TripleClicks by playing games, bidding auctions, buying items.
When they have a page full of badges that indicates to their downlines that they fully participate in ALL of SFI/TC, they send a powerful message to them of what can be accomplished by being fully engaged in helping support the Company, Executive Pool, ECAs, and their own business, thus ensuring their own success, as well as that of their downlines who duplicate their efforts.
Communication is of paramount importance in creating a duplicating downline!!:))...
I keep in touch via ecards, Stream, team mail, encouraging them to keep learning, advertising, sponsoring to the best of their abilities.
I also encourage them to participate in TripleClicks by playing games, bidding auctions, buying items.
When they have a page full of badges that indicates to their downlines that they fully participate in ALL of SFI/TC, they send a powerful message to them of what can be accomplished by being fully engaged in helping support the Company, ...more